
A Lone 2016 Year End List

Didn't solicit any year-end lists from people this year. There are already too many websites with endless boring lists cluttering up my feeds and I could barely come up with ten records as it was. This list does not include reissues, otherwise it would be all Bohren & Der Club of Gore and Dead Can Dance LPs.

Sissy Spacek - Disfathom LP (Helicopter)
Rakta - III LP (Iron Lung)
Altarage - Nihil LP (Doomentia)
Cthe'ilist - Le Dernier Crépuscule DLP (Profound Lore)
Virus - Memento Collider LP (Karisma)
Intensive Care - This Is Exactly Who You Are EP (Iron Lung)
Fange - Purge LP (Throatruiner)
Abhomine - Larvae Offal Swine LP (Hells Headbangers)
P.O.W. - Rot EP (Iron Bonehead)
Dagger Lust - Aggramica CS (Vrasubatlat)

This was an ambitious year in terms of the amount releases for NA and there are still a few records currently in production that have slipped through my fingers. Those will be out in the coming weeks as well as some really compelling projects in the coming year. 

Good riddance to the past 12 months. 
cheers: aaron